Winter ended
this morning when I awoke to birdsong, the official herald of springtime.
Sitting up
in bed, I scanned the backyard through the multi-paned window searching for my
companions; but despite the symphony, they were hidden from sight.
But what
really caught my attention was the grimy window. The bright March sunshine showcased
a winter’s worth of dirt that had accumulated on the panes.
spring fever, I started a mental running list of things to do: wash windows and
screens; vacuum and clean windowsills; wash, iron and hang curtains; vacuum
cobwebs off ceilings; scrub fireplace bricks; paint front door red and lintel
white; power wash unpainted shingles and brick walkway; stain railings along front
stairs; power wash deck; hang basketball hoop; plant seedlings; weed and cultivate
kitchen garden…
Then, I remembered
the cautionary tale of Dolly Copp and stopped myself.
Many years
ago, I discovered an obscure sign near Gorham, N.H., in the deep woods of the
White Mountains National Forest, marking the site of the Copp Homestead.
It read:
“Here Hayes Dodifer Copp made his farm about 1827. He built a log cabin and
barn and carved the farmland from the wilderness. On Nov. 3, 1831 he married
Dolly Emery and brought her to this glen. A frame house replaced the cabin.
Here travelers found fine food and comfortable beds. Dolly won early fame for
her handicraft. Her woolen homespun linen and dyes of delicate blue, her golden
butter, rich cheese and maple syrup were much sought after by the “city folk.”
After 50 years of storm and sunshine, pinching poverty and substandard comfort,
Dolly said, “Hayes is well enough, but 50 years is long enough to live with any
man.” Dividing their possessions, Dolly and Hayes separated and left this
These words
moved me so much that I wrote them down to reread whenever I get too ambitious.
Suffice to
say, Hayes was not responsible for the breakup. The daily grind of housework
eroded the marriage: the never-ending pile of laundry to scrub at the washboard
by the stream; the dishes stacked near the hand pump; the unmade beds; the
cobwebs in the outhouse; the batches of watery maple syrup, curdled cheese and
butter that refused to churn; fingers stained a delicate blue; scratchy woolens
on the loom…
My mother
told me that my grandmother was a meticulous housewife. But there were times
when she was in the middle of scrubbing the floor with the bucket at her side,
and my grandfather asked her if she wanted to go for a ride. The bucket was
left where it stood. She knew the secret to a happy marriage.
So whenever
I get that overwhelming urge to clean, polish, scrub and fix things, I think of Dolly
toiling for 50 years, only to call it quits and send Hayes packing.
History is a
great teacher, and I plan to profit from Dolly’s mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on your post after looking up "Dolly Copp" on Google to check out the dates of her time up there.
My family has camped at DC for 40 years, so its fun to read your take on what happened with Hayes and Dolly.
Great reason to step back from the housecleaning!