Thursday, August 17, 2023

Seeking spaces

Last weekend and for the third time this season, the water pump failed at our summer house by the sea.

Consequently, when something goes wrong, we take an alternate path to a nearby inlet of the Taunton River.

Seeking space in our crowded lives, we withdraw...

We know the way by heart. The path is well worn and the sounds as familiar as our own heartbeat.

Shells mark the route to the shore.

A sea gull stands on a stone in the channel.

Why not while away an hour in God's handiwork?

An ideal spot for a picnic.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Walk with me by the sea

Colorful wildflowers lead the way to the seashore.
Gray clouds collide with blue skies in the Heavens.

Boulders point the way to Europe.

Follow the unbeaten path until the tide changes.

Get ready to jump. The waves are rolling in.

A wildflower thrives in a bed of rounded rocks.